In 2025 we are celebrating 40+ years of NAS. If you've been involved with Newcastle Art Space, we'd love to hear from you.​​​
Since its inception in 1983, Newcastle Art Space (formerly known as the Newcastle Community Arts Centre) has been a cornerstone of creativity, community, and connection in the Hunter region. As we celebrate over 40 years of artistic endeavours, we want to hear from you—artists, members, staff, volunteers, visitors, and supporters - anyone who has been part of NAS' journey. Share your memories, stories, and experiences of NAS. Whether it’s an unforgettable exhibition, a pivotal moment in your artistic career, or a simple yet profound memory, your story is a vital part of our history.
Please submit your NAS story below and help us piece together the rich history of our unique organisation, shaping the continued legacy of NAS within our community.
Share your story through our online form (below). Please include any photos or artwork that bring your NAS memories to life. If you wish to attach multiple files please email them to us at: gallery@newcastleartspace.org.au
If you are an artist that has previously been involved with NAS and would like to exhibit work in our alumni artist group exhibition (to be held in May 2025), please follow this link to submit your work: https://www.newcastleartspace.org.au/nas-alumni-show-submission-info
(Submissions close midnight Wednesday 2nd April 2025)
We can’t wait to hear your story and continue building the legacy of Newcastle Art Space together!
Reproduction of submission material
By submitting your stories and support material via the submission form below, including text and attachments such as photographs and visual files, you agree that you are the owner of such material and authorise Newcastle Art Space formally and irrevocably, to reproduce all or part of your submission material for use related to the promotion and documentation of Newcastle Art Space's history, in printed publications (catalogues, posters, slide shows, brochures etc) as well as digital form (for example, on the Newcastle Art Space website and social media).​
If you have any questions, please get in touch via gallery@newcastleartspace.org.au